Today is my day off from the cafe. I am working on orders like a crazy person! Just wanted to say hello + to show you something that I've been thinking up for a while now. This one isn't even finished, I was really excited to share it. I'll post more (and better) pictures when it's in the shop.
A couple of random things from last week/ this week:
Jake and I performed at Corner Cafe this past Friday. We had lots of fun and had so many great people there to listen and support us. It was amazing! (Our little Mary Jane was in the audience and watching her smile at Jake and I took away a lot of my stage fright. ♥ her)
I was introduced to
this fantastic company and their products this week. I signed up and can't wait to place my first order!
I called my grandma and asked her to teach me how to make some of her famous recipes (that's good for you guys, because you know I'll be posting them) :)
I hadn't seen my little nephew in a while and when I saw him on Friday, I immediately spotted four little teeth! Too cute.
I am getting super anxious and want to start our dining room make over asap! We are planing on making our own table and
this will be very helpful.
Hope you are enjoying your week so far!