Wednesday, July 4, 2012

photos + type

photos by Shaun Boyte
design by Chelsea Hansen 

We are finally getting our place put together. That means unpacking the last of our boxes and making our dining table (the thing I'm most excited for!). I think that having prints or photos on the walls makes a home feel cozier. Maybe because a space feels more lived in with faces or words on the walls. We didn't have much on the walls in our last place and it sort of drove me nuts. This time, I'm adding things. It's just a little here and there, very slowly, but it's something. I created these three prints to put onto wood block. They are some of the photos that Shaun took when he was here creating the San Diego creatives video. Next up is figuring out where to put them. That's always a tough one.

Hope everyone has a lovely July 4th full of fireworks, popsicles, and BBQ.


  1. Chelsea, I love this photo of the both of you and hey, i figured out how to sign into the look like me , your daddy, and kaleigh all merged together in this particular photo..still wish I were your neighbor on the corner so belong i a loft loving it all...

  2. getting set up seems to take eternity right? i just realized we've been in our place a little over a month & we've still got unopened boxes...and then the boxes that are open that we're digging things out of daily...oy!
