Friday, April 15, 2011

caught up in life

[This swimsuit is just lovely and our beautiful weather makes me want to do this all day.]

Hello, friends. I know I haven't been here in a while, but that's ok. I've been very busy with my shop, planning a baby shower, spending much needed time with my family, and getting ready for a photo shoot happening tomorrow with Limelife!

I've also been taking time for me. I've really needed it and the results have been wonderful. Honestly, it's been a little tough for me the past few weeks. The process of slowing down, making time for myself, and actually looking at myself is a tough one, but so rewarding.

Thanks for your patience here. I love blogging, sharing with you all, and meeting new friends. I'm excited to continue doing that and to get into the swing of things again. For today, I just wanted to say "hello" :) Hope you enjoy your Friday!


  1. I was wondering where you disappeared to. Glad you're taking some "you" time.

  2. Love the suit - I haven't bought a one piece since I was little. Love the color! Glad you got some "you" time too Chels, <3
