Thursday, March 29, 2012

chic.ed // 2

"So, what's with this whole chiced series?" you may be thinking. It's kind of like this: "Look, I chiced it!" Yes, I know I just made up a word, but let's just go with it, ok?

Remember this post? No? Well, I can't blame you. It's one of those projects that I really wanted to happen, but it never did. Until yesterday. My original idea was to handmake the flowers myself. That would mean going out and deciding on fabric, then designing the flowers and putting it all together. That's what usually stops me from getting my endless list of projects accomplished (besides the obvious, that the list never ends). I usually choose the most time consuming process. Yesterday, I just decided to get it done. It wasn't that hard:

1. I already had the mounted antlers. I got them from Tumbleweed's Odd Shop when Doug and Beca (and their furry babies) still lived in San Diego.

2. I bought the flowers at Michael's instead of waiting to make them. I didn't let myself even look at the one's at regular price- only the ones on sale (which is a lot right now).

3. As soon as I got home, I immediately got to work. This was the key to my last chic.ed project. Do it right away! How many times have you gone to the craft store to buy all of your materials, but didn't do it when you got home? When you don't get to it right away, what happens? It stays in that plastic shopping bag (receipt and all) or becomes a small pile (which we see as more clutter or mess). This bag or pile is either sitting out, haunting you every time you walk by it or by now you've stashed it up in the closet because it's been so long.

There you have it. All of that wasn't difficult, it wasn't expensive, and now I can cross this pretty project off my list. (except for the part of where to put it.)


  1. Thanks! I really couldn't have done it without you ;)

  2. this is GORGEOUS! oh my gosh, i never would have thought to do this, but it looks amazing! and i seriously thought the flowers were real before i read that they came from michael's.

    1. Thanks! I'm so glad you think so because I took so long picking out those freaking flowers...I'd say at least 10 minutes.

  3. so so cute. i would have never thought to do this -- genius!! {thanks to Jessica for pointing me over here!}.

  4. This is beautiful! Love this! Haven't seen it decorated with flowers before:)
